[Prensa Latina] Alberto Fernandez holds talks with Puebla Group members

Buenos Aires, Apr 24 (Prensa Latina) Argentine President Alberto Fernandez on Friday held talks with several members of Puebla Group, an alliance that brings together prominent progressive leaders in the region.
‘We are going to build the day after. As from pain there will be a great opportunity for Latin America,’ said Fernandez in a videoconference with Puebla Group members, including Chilean leaders Marco Enriquez-Ominami, Jose Miguel Insulza, Alvaro Elizalde, Guido. Girardi, Alejandro Guillier and Camila Vallejos.

During his talks, the president praised the work of this space ‘to promote debate, unite the disorganized pieces and be able to transform the world, since poor sectors are paying for conservative policies.’

In addition, former ministers under Michelle Bachelet, Laura Albornoz, Claudia Pascual, Jose Antonio Gomez, Natalia Riffo and leaders Camilo Lagos, Jaime Mulet and Catalina Valenzuela also participated in the online meeting.

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